Our dramas started in the first 2 days, both towell racks and one toilet roll holder literally fell off the walls. This was due to poor mounting, the plaster was repaired but none have been re-hung. A year without towel racks was a pain.
We then had issues with both side fences falling over, well they never actually fell over to flat but developed severe leans to them, several months of persisting with the agents and arguments between the builder and the fencer finally had them rectified.
Next up is the natives, man there are a lot of hoons in load cars, yes I know that makes me a hypocrite as I used to be a hoon in a loud car but i'm older and wiser now (I have a loud motorcycle)
The next isse which is also ongoing is the paint. The house was sprayed (as opposed to painted with brush and roller) meaning all the walls have a very chalky surface that is impossible to wipe clean, let alone keep clean when you have 6 sets of little hands. We have done our best to maintain it but when you clean off a hand print and the paint comes with you it gives you a good idea of the quality.
Next up is drainage, its quite clear the house was designed to have an outdoor area but as a cheap measure the whole area has had this gravel mixed with clay layed everywhere. The problem is that the two storm water drains were just piped amongst this clay/gravel. The first time we had decent rain the storm water covers floated away and the 2 storm drains filled with mud blocking them. I actually had to use a shovel to stop the garage from flooding.
The next issue is the grass, this land was obviously paddocks before the estate was built meaning there are existing plant systems. The back and front yards were simply covered with wood chips with no means of keeping already existing weeds at bay, you cant mow it, you cant whipper snip it either so despite several sessions of back breaking grass removal I still haven't been able to remove them all. They will be getting dosed with poison this weekend.
The one problem we expected has been the fact that when we moved in there was only one other house built beside ours, since then the house across the road was built and now the uphill side and 2 more across the road have commenced construction. This has meant builders and mud and building material strewn everywhere, agaain we sort of expected this so its sort of a moan rather than a problem.
It has been a great house though, I really like the floor plan (sans kitchen) I love that our youngest daughter was born there in water. Its house 2 cars, 3 motorcycles and a bus and been a source of many memories.
But will I miss it??
So heres hoping my application for this new place gets accepted, stay tuned.